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  2. Invoicing and Subscriptions

Shipping Rates

What is a shipping rate?

    Shipping rates describe the price of shipping presented to your customers. It can be applied to invoices, subscriptions, or to checkout links to collect shipping costs. However, Zūm Rails does not automatically set them on your behalf unless you specifically set it when creating the shipping rate.


    Creating a shipping rate

    Editing a shipping rate

    Archiving a shipping rate

    Unarchiving a shipping rate


    Creating a shipping rate

    1. Log in to your portal

    2. Click Products > Shipping

    3. Click Add new shipping rate

    4. Fill in the fields


    5. Click Save. You will be redirected to your main page where you can view all created shipping rates

    Field definitions


    Amount the dollar value of the shipping rate
    Description what the customer sees on their invoice
    Estimated shipping time the time it takes to receive the product*


    *If you leave this field blank no shipping time will appear on the customer invoice


    Editing a shipping rate

    1. Go to your shipping rates main page where you can view all your created rates

    2. Select which shipping rate you want to edit by clicking on the ellipsis 


    3. Click Edit

    4. Make any changes necessary

    5. Click Save


    Archiving a shipping rate

    1. Go to your shipping rates main page where you can view all your created rates

    2. Select which shipping rate you want to edit by clicking on the ellipsis 


    3. Click Archive

    4. Click Confirm. The status of your shipping rate will change from active to archived 


    Unarchiving a shipping rate

    1. Go to your shipping rates main page where you can view all your created rates

    2. Select which shipping rate you want to edit by clicking on the ellipsis 


    3. Click Unarchive

    4. Click Confirm. The status of your shipping rate will change from archived to active