Brand Customization

In this article

    - Customizing your Brand

    - Using the customization options

    - Brand customization grid


    Zūm Rails can be fully customized to appear like your brand. Any user interacting through Zūm Rails will see your logos, colors, and brand identity.

    You can customize email invoices, hosted/checkout pages, invoice PDFs, hosted payment profiles, and more through your Brand Customization settings.

    Customizing your brand

    1. Click on Settings > Brand Customization


    2. Use the dropdowns on the left side of the screen to customize your logo, colors, and footer content.


    3. Click on Save Settings once you are happy with your changes. 


    You can always reset to the default settings by clicking on the reset icon next to each customization option.

    Using the customization options


    The logo you upload overrides the default icon. Logos must be in JPG, JPEG, or PNG format, less than 2Mb in size. Recommended dimensions are 90px by 90px.

    1. Click on upload

    2. Select your logo file

    3. Click on Save Settings


    Colors are represented in sections of your products and communications. You can adjust one or more of the options to represent your brand.

    Brand Color: color reflected on buttons, email invoices, hosted checkout, and the hosted payment profile creation. The default color is #28c76f.

    Accent Color: applied to links, active elements, and important text. The default color is #28c76f.

    Background Color: represents the color of the background behind the frames. The default color is #f2f3f4.

    Foreground Color: represents the color of the frames. The default color is #ffffff.

    1. Choose which color you want to change and click on the colored box or select the field and input the HEX code.


    2. You can use any of the following to change the color. Use the arrow toggle to select your preference:

    • RGB
    • HSL
    • HEX

    3. Click on Save Settings


    Footer Content

    You can customize your footer to include your phone number and email address. These details will only appear in the email invoice section.

    Phone number:

    Email address: email where the user can reach your customer service team. By default, it is the same email as your Zūm Portal account details page. 

    1. Enter the phone number and/or email address you want your users to see


    2. Check the box if you want a link to display allowing the users to manage invoices and subscriptions

    3. Click on Save Settings

    Brand customization grid

    You can view where each setting impacts your overall account.