Adding Users With Embedded Integration Codes

You can use integration codes provided in your Zūm Portal to set up instant verification of users' account information. Using this method allows you to collect account information and other required details in a matter of minutes.

    Adding a new user through aggregation using Integration Codes

    1. Log in to your Zūm Rails portal

    2. Go to Settings > Integration Codes


    3. Click the arrow on the right of Add Payment Profile card


    4. Copy the URL. Depending on your workflow you can do any of the following:

      • Open the URL in any browser

      • Embed the URL in a web application

      • Sent the URL by email or SMS

    5. Depending on your workflow and settings, your users will be required to fill in some, or all of the information.



    When a user successfully completes all the steps, it will create their profile in the Zum Rails database. This process does not create any transactions. 


    Verifying the connectivity of users

    Through the portal

    To confirm that a user has successfully connected through aggregation you can view their profile and look at their status

    1. Click on Users


    2.  Search by User name or by status


    3. Click on the User name

    4. Confirm that the Aggregation Status is Connected

    Through the API

    Once a user has completed the process and you have received and userID, you can call the GET /user endpoint /api/user/{user_id}. 

    “AggregationStatus”: “Connected”